Sunday, November 4, 2012

Taking the Hard Way Home

Brandi Carlile's latest album (above) came out in June 2012.  It's a great collection but there is one song on it that I sang out loud all summer long because it resonated with me so strongly:  "Hard Way Home."

I'm not sure about you, but I could have made things a whole lot easier on myself by making better choices in the past.  I know that we learn through our mistakes and that those experiences are what make us who we are but did it really have to be that difficult?!  So this song is kind of a fun take on that thought. 

Give it a listen and you might be singing it loudly yourself.  And even if you don't relate to the lyrics, it has a good beat and it's easy to dance to.  :-)


  1. Thanks, Laurie, for the heads-up on your new blog. I have bookmarked it and will be a regular. Will wait until after the silent morning hour in this household to listen to Brandi.

    Many of the thoughts expressed in your entry below float through my mind AND I'm working on putting them into action. Very appropriate for "older" folks like me. :)

  2. What a great song and I am thankful for You Tube practically every day! That song certainly resonates with me as with many...if life were only like the games we played when we were little and we got "do overs". Thank you for sharing this song, I will be playing it over and over!!


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